Rare Patient Voice partners with patient support and advocacy groups in several ways to increase donations:
- Request a referral link. You can invite patients and caregivers via email, your newsletter, or other means to contact us. If they decide to sign up, they each receive a $5 gift card and your organization receives a donation of $5 per patient.
- Ask Rare Patient Voice to sponsor one of your group's events. We will invite members to sign up as we exhibit at the event.
- Contact us at ContactUs@RarePatientVoice.com to do a free online survey of your members and provide you with the analyzed results.
Rare Patient Voice understands that advocacy groups need to keep the interests of its members at the forefront.
- We will never ask an organization for members’ names or contact information.
- Organizations can provide members with our information so that members can contact us about joining voluntarily only if they are interested.
- We respect the privacy policies of all organizations with which we partner.
We are honored to have worked with over 100 advocacy and support groups to help us recruit patients and caregivers! View some of the advocacy groups we have worked with or sign up to become a referral partner.